Haley Baldwin told how Justin Bieber's disease was reflected on it


Haley Baldwin became the heroine of the new release of the Going for Goal subcaster, where she told how the Lyme disease was reflected, from which her husband Justin Bieber suffered. Recall, Lyme's disease is caused by a tick bite.

"It seems to me that this disease is generally such situations make you more consciously perceive your health and pay more attention to symptoms and well-being. Lyme's disease is a strange thing, many do not believe that it is real. But she was with my husband. Justin experienced her manifestation very well. Here you just need a good doctor who can get to the source of the problem, "said Haley.

As for their own health, Haley said that physical exertion is of great importance: "I love Pilates, deal with boxing. A couple of times a week I go to the gym, engaged in power and cardiovasculations. "

Previously, Justin complained that the media still use his old photos on which he looked bad due to Lyme disease. The singer went to Google his name and was unpleasant surprised. "I don't know how it works, why these photos get out, but it is very upset. I dedicated so much time to look more healthy, "Bieber complained

"At that time I was very unhealthy. I suffered from Lyme's disease, remember? And on most photos I look somehow sloppy. It is clear, I then had a difficult period. But for some reason the media still use these personnel. I gave them so many new photos, but these still use old. What's the matter? It really disappoints. I already asked them to change it. I made so many new photo shoots. See how my skin looks like now. There is a bunch of new photos, there is from what to choose, "Bieber concluded.

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