Prince Harry wants to keep military ranks, despite "Megesit"


Prince Harry last year resigned royal duties and all titles. However, now, a year later, he intends to regain some of them. Of particular importance for him are military ranks obtained at the court.

It turns out that the Duke Sasseksky wore several titles that would like to restore after the annual revision of their care. He was the captain-general of the Royal Marine Corps, the honorary commander of the aviation of the Royal Air Force and the Commander-in-Chief of Small Ships. Behind the prince of 10 years of military service.

"Military work for Harry is one of the most important things. Of course, he would like to leave titles, "the Harry's close friend of Harry has told The Telegraph.

However, approximate to the yard are confident that Elizabeth II is hardly a grandson for concessions. Last year, she clearly made it clear that she was not satisfied with the approach in the style of "stop on two chairs." It was for this that the queen and made it possible to ponder his act for a year.

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We will remind, Prince Harry, together with his wife, Canadian actress Megan Marcha, and the Little Son of Archie in March last year, there was a monarch of duties in March last year and left to build a new life in America. Not so long ago, family couple acquired his own mansion in the US, and also signed favorable contracts with Netflix and Spotify. At the same time, Harry allegedly said that it would often come to their homeland, but the pandemic destroyed these plans. Now he is going to return in the summer to celebrate the anniversaries Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, as well as to open a monument dedicated to his mother, Diana princess.

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