"Already in 45 translated?": Anastasia Volochkova showed a new passport


On January 20, 2021, the star of Russian ballet was 45 years old. The laws of the Russian Federation oblige all citizens who have reached this age, change the photo in the passport. Anastasia Volochkova did not exception and the other day I visited one of the departments of the MFC in the center of Moscow. The star posted a photo directly from the state institution, joking that it is on the street, consonant with her name - in Nastasinsky Lane. Star also starred next to the building in which the cherished document received.

For the sake of such an important event, instadiva even left fans the opportunity to express their opinion under publication. Recall that usually Nastya closes its posts from commenting, preferring not to listen to the negative in his address. Subscribers did not miss the opportunity to walk in the appearance of the ballerina, noting the "battered" appearance of its white fur coat and "dirty" boots.

Haters also interpreted in wit about "solid", in their opinion, the age of the artist. "Already in 45 passed?", Fans were seriously surprised. Folloviers could not pass by and spelling mistakes that Nastya allowed, confusing pretexts and endings. "Get a new passport to Nastasinsky Lane is very symbolic," the photo signed the photo than the new squalls caused.

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