The film about Britney Spears barely brought John Mayer to tears: "I have a heart hurt"


Musician John Mayer shared his impressions from watching the documentary film Framing Britney Spears. John talked with Andy Koen on SiriusXM and admitted that five times during the viewing almost sharpened.

"See all the sadness of this man [Britney], see what this industry did with her ... I was on the verge of tears five times. Log in this business and get out of it normal - this is a great good, "Meyer shared.

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John noted that the man in the entertainment industry is easier to navigate and remain intact.

"I got to survive in it. But I have a feeling that I have influenced what I am a man. And there is also a feeling that with the performers women, all such things are taking place, including because they are women. Why many men praise, they say, yes, I was given a head, but I returned? I watched this film with great compassion to those whom in the course of this inhuman test of glory slandered much more than me. I thought: how did I manage to go through it unharmed? Why did I find how to get around obstacles? What is the difference in these situations, at least purely externally? The difference is that I am a man, men cannot control. And if you are a woman - you are definitely a little crazy. I watched a movie through this prism, and I just hurt my heart, "John shared.

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Recall that the film Framing Britney Spears, shot by the Editor of The New York Times, tells Britney's story and emphasizes the contrast between her life during the heyday of the career and now. The authors of the film make an unbearable public attention collapsed at the peak of glory together with success at Britney, and many mercantile personalities appeared in her environment, the main of which was her father.

Also, the creators of the film resemble the viewer through passages from the old interviews of Spears and the stories of witnesses that Britney has always been freedom-loving and strong and herself has decided about their careers. However, after a breakdown in zero, the singer's environment has the opportunity to take control of it and its multi-million state at the level of the law.

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