Gerard Depardieu accused of rape: "The investigation is resumed"


72-year-old Actor Gerard Depardieu is accused of rape and harassment. This is reported in a number of media. The star accused the 22-year-old actress, who claims that the incident occurred in 2018 in the Department's apartment, to which she came to rehearse the play together. Previously, the girl has already filed a statement of harassment, but the case was closed in 2019, since there was no evidence of the guilt of the artist.

Also is reported that lawyer Depardieu said that the actor "categorically denies involvement in any rape and any harassment." Then the trial resumed, the actress acted as a victim, which, according to French law, almost always leads to the consideration of the statement by the investigative judge. Now the prosecutor's office of Paris is doing business.

"I regret the public character of this process, which causes serious damage to Gerard Depardieu, whose innocence, as I am sure, will be recognized," said the actor lawyer back in 2018 after the first statement. The lawyer hopes that the media and the prosecutor's office will respect the personal space of the accused and will not be everywhere to pursue him with questionings.

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