Returned wedding rings by mail: how Megan Oarl threw her ex-husband


Before meeting Prince Harry and become part of the Royal Family and History, the actress Megan Marcle was married to Hollywood producer Trevor Engelson. It is known that Megan and Trevor began to meet in 2004, and they were engaged only in six years - in 2010. The young arranged a gorgeous wedding, which was attended by a hundred guests and which lasted four days. Without reaching a two-year anniversary, the lovers broke up.

As the reason for the former spouses called "irreconcilable disagreements". However, the main reason for the divorce was the long lack of Megan next to her husband. At that time, she moved from Los Angeles to Canada for filming in the serial "Force Maja" almost immediately after the wedding. It was the first serious role of Megan's cinema for which considerable money paid. Glory and success spoke the head actress, and she decided to divorce her husband, which was not near.

Their marriage simply did not suffer such a long separation. It is noteworthy that Megan decided to put a point in their relationship, simply sent to her husband's wedding rings by mail. According to the royal biograph and the author of the book "Megan: Hollywood Princess", after the divorce ceremony, Marcle sent a wedding and engagement rings Trevor, sealing them into an envelope. The decision of the wife was parting for Engelson by a real surprise, and even years later, the former husband's husband could not hold back her anger at the mention of the former.

We will remind, now Megan is happy in marriage with the younger son of the late princess Diana. The couple brings up the son of Archie and is preparing for the birth of a second child. Spouses were pretty surprised everyone, declaring last year that they remove all the powers of members of the royal family and move from the country. Currently, the duke and duchess live in the US and lead a fairly secluded and closed lifestyle.

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