"Legs are such long": 43-year-old Star "Sashitani" Impressed social network photos in the underwear


Actress, Star of Sashahatany serials and "Univer" Valentina Rubtsova published an archive shot on his Instagram page, admiring fans. The record is a photographed reversal of the glossy magazine, and in the signature actress tells the story of shooting.

"Listful old" Caravan "magazine, found his photo. Thank you very much Ekaterina Christmas for this unique immersion experience in different era and "fitting" the most unexpected characters, "writes Rubsov.

Fans of the soul fell picture of celebrity. In the comments, they mark how attractively the actress looks in a spicy image. Particular attention fans paid the feet of the idol, which are located in the center of the frame.

"Legs are so long," fans admire.

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Other fans admitted that they did not immediately recognize the 43-year-old scars on the archive frame. They note that the actress looks different and wonderfully born into the image of a girl from an American advertising poster. Rubtsova herself answered some comments of fans, thanking them for compliments. However, the artist did not tell the details of the photo shoot, while retaining the year of shooting in secret and showing the remaining frames.

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