"Pregnancy did not enter our plans": 34-year-old Ellie Golding is waiting for the firstborn


British singer Ellie Golding and her husband Kaspar Jopling expect a quick replenishment in the family. In a new interview, Vogue Ellie magazine told that now she is at the 30th week of pregnancy.

"I have left the Kaspar with a long time [in the past August] to celebrate our first anniversary. Then we all learned. It was madness, because we learned about it exactly on the anniversary. Pregnancy did not enter our plans. The idea that I will have a child seemed to be completely unrealistic, "Ellie shared in an interview. According to Golding, pregnancy made her feel in a new way: "I would like to find a more appropriate word than" feminine ", but I had bends that were not there before. I really like my husband too. "

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The singer notes that everything happened "very quickly" and at first she did not even believe that she was having a child: "You eat the same thing, you look the same. Probably, I had a denial period. But in the end, I now have a completely different body and other energy, and I can not cope with everything. "

Ellie's food addictions have changed: "I used to be very interested in the fact that I had a healthy food, eating salads, nuts, seeds. And now everything I want is McDonalds. I scared me a little. I suddenly wanted all the harmful meals. The child took control of my body and such: "No broccoli, spinach and cabbage! I want sugar and carbohydrates. "

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For the athlete and art dealer of Caspar Jopling Ellie married in August 2019. In July last year, Golding said that he was not yet going to start the children. The singer noted that it is not ready to throw a career and put a family in first place. "I'm so happy now. I want to have children, but later, "said Ellie.

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