Similar to primarily? Miroslava Karpovich shared photos with his father in his youth


There is an opinion that a woman chooses a couple of man who will remind her of her father. Actress Miroslav Karpovich supported this folk admission by posing a photo of his father in his youth and congratulating subscribers on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day. In the frame of the young dad, the actress poses along with his colleague. Follovers seemed that Father Karpovich was very similar to her current chosen one - the actor Paulil. This similarity has repeatedly noted many stars in the network.

Interestingly, when Prilochny was married to Minky, she also laid out a picture of her father in youth, and he was looking like her husband in an amazing way. Recall, the star of the series "Major" broke up with his wife in the summer of last year, living with her for more than ten years. The couple had two children - the son and daughter who, after the divorce, were left with her mother. Former spouses failed to preserve warm friendly relations. According to primarily, Agatha forbids him to see children and configures them in every way.

However, in relations with Karpovich, Paul is not so smooth. According to rumors, Miroslav does not suit that its chosen one takes children. Fans until recently were confident that the lovers broke up due to the fact that Karpovic wanted to get married quickly, and incense in no hurry to make her proposal. Not so long ago, Miroslava radically changed her image, making a short haircut.

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