James Gunn and Margo Robbie are discussing a new film about Harley Queen


Harley Queen in the performance of Margot Robbi became the favorite of the audience after entering the screens of the "suicide squad", and therefore the film "Precious Birds" Fans took enthusiasm. Soon they are waiting for another meeting with the main hooligan Gotama in the "Suician detachment: the mission is waiting for", but that fate prepares her further, while it is unknown. True, James Gunn has already hinted that he has something to take some project.

The director who loves to communicate with fans, on the eve answered their questions in Instagram, and when he was asked if he was planning to work again with Robbie, the Master said:

"We have discussed it with margos literally the other day. Let's see how it goes! "

This response is addressed by the photo, where he and actress with delight look at the screen, on which, apparently, the excerpt of the coming "suicide detachment" unfolds. It is clear that while the new solo project Harley is only a subject of conversation, but if the idea is standing, you can not doubt that Warner Bros. Give her green light.

By the way, the studio was probably satisfied with the vision of Gann, because he is already engaged in the shooting of an additional television series "Peacemaker", in the center of the plot of which will be the character of John Sina. The actor himself calls him the "stupid captain of America," and will be very curious to take a look, which made him make such conclusions. The eight episodes show received a R rating and will be released on HBO MAX in January next year.

If we assume that "Suicide detachment: the mission of the wavelet" and the "peacekeeper" will really be so popular, as the Warner Bros hopes., In the continuation of the history of Harley Quinn, you can not even doubt. True, Robbie and Gunnu will have to work, coordinating graphs. Recall, the premiere of the upcoming film is scheduled for August 5.

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