"Grandmother and Grandson" Bluebone ": family photos of Pugacheva and Galkin did not appreciate the network


The marriage of Pugacheva and Galkin from the very beginning caused conflicting feelings from many fans. Despite the fact that spouses for almost 20 years together, their love story does not give rest to many subscribers on the net. Most of them are embarrassed by a big difference in the age of spouses, well, and someone does not believe in the sincerity of their relationship and considers the marriage of Pugacheva and Galkin just another "PR-move".

It does not prevent the Primateonna and her husband to have many fans worldwide. The network has several fan pages devoted to the family life of Pugachevy-Galkins. A separate page is devoted to Alle and Maxim personally, also a little Lisa has its own fan account. The other day in the account of one of the fan clubs of the star couple, a family photo was laid out, on which Alla Borisovna and her young husband were depicted. "In family life without a good mutual exchange of thoughts between spouses, life turns into a simple cohabitation," the authors and creators of the public signed the picture.

Priaudonna poses in a light black and white dress, pulled into the waist with a wide gum belt, and at Maxim - a plain white T-shirt and ripped jeans. Alla Borisovna Light Wheat Color Hairless Hair Breakfasts. "I understand everything, but - I do not believe them!", "Grandma and grandson" Blurus ". Perhaps they are more connected. But not love, "users were skeptical about photo.

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