"I don't care Chelyadi Barina discuss": Vitorgan dedicated to women ironic congratulations


The actor and cinema actor Maxim Vitorgan published an ironic record in his Instagram account in honor of the International Women's Day. In the publication, he in the image of Julia Caesar congratulates women from March 8 and calls himself an "emperor". A little later, the artist, in a joking manner, published a post-explanation in which commented on the situation.

"For many hours, how I have published my congratulations to women in" Instagram ". It, let's say, ironically. I always post a different degree ironic-sarcastic something. But it's not about me here. It's not the case of Chelyadi Barin to discuss, "writes Vitorgan.

At the end of the record, he again congratulates women, but much more seriously, and wishes to them mutual love.

Subscribers duel reacted to the publications of Vitorgan. Someone condemned the artist for the entry and did not understand the ironic promise of the actor. In their opinion, he needs to be more serious and stop "fooling".

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"Enough words! No need to complicate and shift simple and understandable things! And what is the inappropriate irony? " - They say Vitorgan's subscribers.

Other fans, on the contrary, highly appreciated the publication. They thanked the artist for a bright greeting and no less bright explanation and noted that the sense of humor of the idol was highly appreciated. Some even offered the actor to work professionally.

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