Netflix will remove the documentary about Britney Spears


Just a week ago, the New York Times released his own documentary about Britney Spears called Framing Britney Spears, but, as it turned out, the publication is not the only one who wants to show what the life of the famous singer was all these years.

According to Bloomberg, the Netflix stream service will also take on the development of a documentary film, the director of which will be Erin Li Carr. According to the article, it has already worked on the tape before the New York Times instructed Hulu the development of his project, but at present it is too early to talk about the completion of work. Representatives of the platform news did not comment on.

It is curious that hearing was also in the network, as if Spears was also working on his life about his life, but it seems unlikely, given that almost one and a half decades she is under a tough care of his own father and practically does not accept independent decisions. The singer is unhappy with the provision of affairs and financial dependence on James Spears, and therefore does not protest since 2017.

Events in her family led to the formation of #FreeBritney movement, whose participants demand again to recognize the star capable. By the way, at least a film Framing Britney Spears and received many positive feedback, many movements were disappointed with the fact that the plot does not affect real problems associated with conservatism and disabilities.

Whether another documentary film will be removed about the spears, as long as it is not clear, but with confidence you can talk about what has increased interest in her person, perhaps, will be a great help on the way to the liberation of the singer from the authorities of the Father.

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