Studio Columbia Pictures wanted to remove one of the brightest scenes from "Karate Guy"


Writer "Karatista Guy" Robert Mark Camemen told about the incident that happened when creating the very first part of the cult franchise. In a conversation with the publication, Uproxx, the author remembered how he almost with the fight had to defend one of the most emotional episodes of the original tape in 1984 - the scene in which Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) mourns his late wife.

"The Columbia Studio wanted to cut this fragment from the film. Producer Jerry Weintraub also insisted on the removal. I, on the contrary, argued that this is the heart of the film. The director John Evidsen was agreed with me.

In the creative battle with the leaders of Camemen, it was even necessary to persuade the former head of the Frank Price Studio to organize test shows to test the audience reaction to this fragment:

"I went directly to Frank and played a cunning card - as a mentor asked him:" Frank, please, I beg you. Check the scene using test shows. If it does not work, you can remove it without pity. " He listened to me, and everything turned out. Then these are many angry. "

The playwright is convinced that the scene wanted to cut, so that the tape would receive more sessions in cinemas, and not because of artistic motives, as they were explained. Cameman believes that thanks to such sincere moments, Karatist's guy managed to check the time and put the beginning of a franchise.

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