Again alone: ​​Wilson's losing weight Rabels broke up with a millionaire boyfriender


Australian actress Rabl Wilson announced that her heart was free again. She called himself lonely, hinting that the novel with the heir of billionaire brewers Jacob Bush ended.

40-year-old guards complained that she was not so easy to gather at the Super Cup. In proof, she attached a new photo made on the background of the house on the wheels. At the same time, the star mentioned that the game would look already without a boyfriend.

"I have so much worries, oh-oh. Lonely girl goes to the Super Cup! " - wrote an actress under a snapshot, which published in his Instagram account.

Subscribers admired the beauty and figure of the artist and did not immediately pay attention to how the star voiced its status. Many were surprised that Rabli and Jacob broke up, some even decided that her words misunderstood. Fans remembered what a happy actress looked next to the boyfriend when they appeared in public.

"How is it lonely?", "What about the boyfriend? They seemed happy, "" Dude already threw you? Unpleasant, "he lost much," wrote fans.

Rabbar and Jacob first went out as a couple during a concert, arranged in defense of the health of the planet in Monte Carlo. Roman Kinodiva and the heir of brewing magnates lasted about a year.

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