New Documentary Film Trailer Oh Billy Alish


Documentary film trailer about the singer Billy Alish "Billy Alish: A slightly blurred world" appeared on the network. The picture will tell about the creative path of the performer, her personal life and explores the influence that it has on the musical industry.

The picture will consist of archival domestic video, interviews, recordings from concerts and other materials. The tape, according to the author's idea, will have to show the path of Billy from writing her debut album along with his brother-producer Finnias O'Connell to concerts that collect thousands of fans.

"I look in the crowd and see that every person is experiencing something there. I have the same problem. And I thought: "Why don't I turn it into art, and not just to live with it?" "- Says in the ailic trailer.

The director of the picture spoke by R. J. Cutler, famous for the drama "If I stay" and the documentary film "Belushi". The picture will be presented on February 26 on the Apple TV + String Service.

Recall, Billy Alish - British 19-year-old singer, who became famous in 2019 after the release of the debut album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? The record for record days was headed by the American and British charts, and a year later, the singer became the Grammy Prize triumph. Now Isilish is considered one of the most influential musicians with millions of fans worldwide.

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