"How can you adell a childbirth?": Anna Hilkevich surprised the social network facts about themselves.


Actress, the star of the series "Univer" Anna Hilkevich published on his page in Instagram record in which it shares the list of "interesting facts" about himself. The publication of the artist illustrated a series of selfie in a plaid shirt, and in the signature it tells, for example, that she sometimes loves to be alone, very empathic, and once even began to teach Armenian.

"I always have shaved legs. Well, almost always. I adore childbirth! It was so cool, here are those 2 times! " - Celebrity is recognized.

Frank publication surprised fans. Someone with humor perceived the list of facts, noting that many of them recognize themselves. Others, on the contrary, did not believe in the sincerity of the star "Univers." Especially many fans embarrassed by one of the last items of the list detected.

"How can you burn childbirth?" - Fans are perplexed.

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The most popular in the list of facts was the one that is associated with packages. As the actress admits, she will never go the second time to the car and will try to convey all the bags from the first attempt. Under the post, the network users wrote dozens of supporting answers, noting that they themselves always do and try to cope with bags for one campaign.

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