"After giving birth to 25 kg": Ida Galich frankly told about the complexes


Looking at Idu Galich, many envy her luxurious life and self-confidence. However, the famous bloggers have complexes. But the fact that the TV presenter does not hide them, speaks of her strong character, which, by the way, helps to fight shortcomings. In a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ida told that her main assistants are sport and self-discipline.

In the near future they, apparently, will be useful, as instadiv gained extra kilograms during the New Year holidays. True, on this occasion she does not experience. Galich is sure that it can easily get rid of them.

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Most of all the TV presenter was unhappy with his figure a year ago, when only Leon's son gave birth to Son. "After the birth, 25 kilograms scored, but I managed to almost all of them by the end of the year," said the star. She reported that it periodically complex due to body characteristics. It seems to her that the hands are too powerful, it does not suit the size of the nose.

According to Ida, this is a typical female feature - sometimes be displeased with its appearance. The output one is to love and take yourself a real and do not strive to drastically change something. To such experiments, by the way, Galich is negative. After all, those nuances of appearance, which can be taken for disadvantages, may well like others. So, recently the face of bloggers could be seen on billboards raised throughout the capital. "I will not hide - of course, it's nice that the girl with a non-ideal nose, diagonal eyes, a clench between the teeth was decorated with New Year's Moscow," a celebrity rejoices.

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