Pravitka Chopra could not beat the record with the longest wedding veil


At the wedding with Nick Jonas in 2018, Chopra's pleasant wanted to impress guests and chose a 23 meter length for a wedding dress. Recently, the actress confessed to the Kyle and Jackie O show that he wanted to beat the world record on the length of the Fata, but it was easy to survived a woman who has a length in 15 football fields.

"I still reduce the neck from this Fata. So romantic. If my 23-meter Fata was so hard, then what was with the woman who had Tulle long with 15 football fields? It is very hard, although with her you look so royal and beautiful. When we discussed my veil, I checked what about this is in Google. And I understood: I pass. I will not even try, despite the whole of my competitive spirit, "said a pleasant.

Relations between Jonas and Choproy began in the spring of 2018. For the first date, they went to the musical "Beauty and the Beast." And in just two months, nickname did a proposal offer. In the same year, the couple got married. They arranged a luxurious wedding, the marriage ceremony took place in the Umaid-Bhavan palace in the Indian city of Jodhpur. Lovers celebrated the wedding as many days in different places, arranging individual parties for relatives and friends.

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