Salma Hayek about the scandal with Hilaria Baldwin: "She is smart, once wants to be Spanish"


Salma Hayek originally responded about the recent statements by Hilaria Baldwin, the spouses Aleka Baldwin. Recall, in December, the network users rolled against the yoga instructor and a large mother, when it turned out that her whole story with childhood spent in Spain was no more than fantasy. Even the focus was presented.

Salma knows the Aleka well, with whom he starred in many films, and therefore did not have a negative effect about Hilaria. On the air channel Siriusxm, she stressed that he does not experience negative emotions against Baldwin.

"We are all a little bit. But she makes my friend happy. She is very good to me, and that's all that worries me, "said the native of Mexico.

Salma added that for her "Honor" that someone wants his Alter Ego to be Spanish. "

"I am Mexican and Lebank, but my grandfather and grandmother, my ancestors on the mother line - Spaniards. I think she is smart, once wants to be Spanish, "said Hayek.

Salma is not the only celebrity that commented on the scandal around Hilaria. Amy Sumer earlier expressed her own opinion ethnic.

"She is awesome, and I wish her and her family all the best. And I hope that she will be able to visit Spain as many times as he wants, "the comedian emphasized.

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