Prigogin about the cord: "It is better to deal with people of non-traditional orientation"


Recently, Joseph Prigogin suffered coronavirus in severe form - he infected in Dubai and was hospitalized there. And at the time when the producer connected to the oxygen apparatus, fought with a dangerous ailment, it became known that Sergey Shnurov filed a statement to him.

According to Alexei Dobrynina lawyer, Prigogin threatened him to the principal for the fact that he criticized the singer Valery, and the utterancers of the producer fall under signs of the crime under the criminal article "the threat of impressive harm to health."

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Then the prigaine was not at all complaints about the leader of Leningrad, but after a while when the disease retreated and he returned to Moscow, the investigator called him and invited him to interrog out. The producer was very surprised that the colleague is not trying to solve their conflict peacefully, for example, by telephone, and immediately appealed to law enforcement agencies.

"What do we have, some new rock and roll went? I did not touch him at all, and at first I wrap me at first, insulted my family, and now he writes about me the same statements to the police? Sur! In social networks publicly affects, they say, "Yosya, come out!". Yes, it is better to deal with people of unconventional orientation than with such "men" like a cord, "the prigoxine is indignant in the" Starhit "interview.

Recall that last year, the spouse Valeria drew the attention of the public to the plight of artists, in which they were due to a pandemic, and the cords in the poem with obscene vocabulary ridiculed the producer and suggested in the network to throw them with a singer to food. Stars show business continued to publish posts in personal blogs in which he insulted each other, but according to Prigogina, he did not even think to threaten his opponent.

Now Joseph Igorevich intends to apply to the court and apply against the general producer of the RTVI television channel Iska for slander and the protection of honor and dignity. In his opinion, the cords use a conflict situation for a self-assembly, since it was going to run into the State Duma.

"We are not collecting a circus there, I would like less clowns. We need people who will act in the interests of the people. He never even got close to Kobzon or Govorukhin, the cords are not able to defend the interests of the representatives of the music industry, "says Prigogin.

The producer calls a colleague "ordinary rogging from business", which manages to earn money, selling Mat and Haipuy to everything in a row, and remain completely unpunished.

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