Daphne and Simon: Star "Bridgeertonov" answered rumor about the novel with a colleague


During the new interview with You Magazine Phoebe Daynevor denied rumors that she meets with his partner Reghe-Jean Page, calling their relationship strictly professional. "I would like to say that there was something really something between us. But no, it has always been strictly professionally. We had such a strong pressure so that we all make it right that everything was reduced only to work, "says the actress.

Daynevor also noticed that it would not be against trying something more as the actors often meet each other. "This has not happened to me yet, but I'm intrigued," adds Phoebe. According to reghea, Page, the on-screen partner Daynevor, the scenario of the series was so beautiful that the screen chemistry of heroes turned out to be very believable.

The premiere of the series "Bridgeertons" took place on Netflix on December 25th. For several months of rent, he received a huge number of views. The series tells the story of a numerous family of Bridgeertonov, whom scandals are waiting at every step. The media pleased the audience: the television series extended in the second season. Bridgeertons became one of the most visible original projects on the flow platform.

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