"Many women will understand me": the former wife of Gogunsky revealed the causes of the divorce


Vitaly Gogunsky is growing 10-year-old Milan's daughter, which is already successfully developing the solo career. True, as Mother's mother Irina Mairko noted in an interview with Teleprogramma.pro, a father was seen with Milan more than once a month. "The last time it was enough for two months. Vitaly can not decide that in his life is greater value: family or freedom?! " - Irina notes.

She officially divorced the actor back in 2018. Patience of the spouse turned out to be phenomenal. During the year she looked like a spouse of the night, the opposite plays. "My parents watching this, quietly worried about our future. But I like a loving woman and as his child's mother constantly justified her husband. I think many women will understand me, "says Mairco.

She tried to justify Gogunsky, because he is creative, he happens to depressed. But he showed his spouse his attitude when he led her without having prepared a script for a conceived joint show. And even after the gap, the wife decided to give him a second chance to try to save the family. However, Irina saw that Vitaly remained the same: he continued to play without getting up from the sofa. "I realized that Vitalik did not have any changes in consciousness. It remained at the same level: idleness, depressed, dreams of great future, own greatness, laziness and disrespect for loved ones. The compromise and negotiations are not for Vitaly, and I realized that you need to run, "Irina recalls. She emphasized that then her decision was conscious and final. Supported a woman mother and Milan. Now she devotes her daughter all his life.

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