"He will bring him to a heart attack": Holly Berry Stanle Toples with a boyfriend


Against the background of rumors about parting with the boyfriend and accusations that she "cannot hold a man" Holly Berry lost his nose Hateert and showed how he rested with his man in Valentines day.

The actress has published a video in which it is danted, standing in an embrace with his beloved, a musician with Ban Khant. It is noteworthy that Berry, like Hunt, was topless.

"With you everything is so simple," she signed the video. Hunt published a photo of the same moment in Instagram and wrote: "Smiling cheek to the cheek. Happy Valentine's day".

Subscribers video Holly with Ban somewhat cheated: "Dear, you are beautiful, but not so unexpectedly", "bring to a heart attack", "And who removed the video, I wonder?", "He is the happiest man in the world."

It seems that the actress is fine on the personal front. Although quite recently, fans suspected that Holly has problems in relationships with Khant. In addition, the actress began to speak more often about the infringement of women's rights. She recently published a picture with a quote: "Women or damn you should not" and caused a stormy reaction to the male half of your audience. Someone from users stated that Holly says, as a "woman who is not able to keep a man." The actress said in response that "he does not try to keep someone who does not fit her, and if in her life, an annoying disappointment happened, she" changes the course and starts from the beginning. "

Berry also spoke unflattering about his former Gabriel partner Obery, her father's father, who pays alimony. The actress noted that every month she sends him 16 thousand dollars and, thus, provides not only a daughter, but also the obi.

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