The valley collapsed with criticism of the carnival: "Why do you sing?"


Larisa Valley criticized the Tiktok star Martar Carnival. With his opinion, the artist shared in the framework of the YouTube Show Maxim Galkin "Music".

So, during the conversation, the valley often asked Galkina to let go from the transfer. In her opinion, Valya, having a musical education, cannot count on the singer's career.

"A person who does not know how to sing, should do it at home for his own. There is a singer's profession. He should do it clean! You didn't get into any note at all during the grinding! What are you singing for?! " - Approves the valley.

The carnival, trying to justify, noted that every person is entitled to sing as it wishes.

"The music is designed to make people sang as they wanted. Notes are cool, and everything needs to be right, but if a person wants to perform something, then let it do, "said Carnival.

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However, the arguments of the young Tiktok star did not convince the valley. She noted that Valya "doesn't know anything about music," she is not at all interested in the conversation. According to the singer, Valya does not fall into any note, but at the same time claims to the rank of stars. Maxim Galkin tried to save the situation. He was jokingly noticed that the valley was the perfect hero of the show, which was able to create a "conflict of generations", which the audience "musiti" waiting.

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