"A feeling of tact changed to me": Anfisa Chekhova boasted "historical" photo with rod


TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov showed fans a rare frame. The star performed his children's dream and made Selfie with the 47-year-old singer Yuri Shatunov.

The 43-year-old Chekhov admitted that in childhood was a fan of the "Affectionate May" group and their frontman. She dreamed of being close to the idol, but to fulfill the cherished desire could only 30 years later. Anfisa called the Frame "Historic" not only because of the children's dreams.

"They say that Yura does not make a photo with anyone, especially Selfie. And I brazenly sent to him the camera, and even my usual sense of Takta changed me, "Chekhov shared in a personal blog.

Anfisa was pleased that the meeting with the idol did not disappoint her. Shatunov seemed to her with a sincere and deep man who did not sift his glory.

"Rose into Megazvead, while remaining a pleasant, modest, very adequate and not at all egocentric man! Few people can make the burden of glory so worthy, "the Teediva admired.

Subscribers were pleased for the anfisa that her children's desire came true. Many wrote that in childhood they dreamed exactly about the same, because everyone loved "Affectionate May".

"In him, half of all the USSR was in love with half," who doesn't love him? "," Photo of dreams "," Yura does not become old, "wrote fans.

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