"As I became stepfather": Dakota's boyfriend spoke about the relationship with the Sokolovsky daughter


Producer Fyodor Belogai, the beloved singers Rita Dakota, published a record at his Instagram page, in which he told the details of his relationship with Mia, daughter of Dakota. The recording of Belogai illustrated the joint photo with a padchier, and in the comments published an honest story and noted the author of the frame, photographer Amir Agayev.

"As I became stepfather. There is such a folk wisdom with which I fully agree: "If you love a woman, you love her child." And she very correctly describes the depth of the relationship between a man and a woman, "the producer writes.

Also Belogai said that it was his first experience in communicating with children and he studied, watching Mia and her parents. As a result, they and the girl, according to the recognition of Belogoy, became friends, and he managed to become an excellent stepfather.

Subscribers highly appreciated the record. Some of them praised Belogaya for the efforts and a responsible approach to such a difficult topic. Others admitted that this is how, in their opinion, "Love looks like".

"Holy man. Where such wise and conscious men are distributed ... "- comment on network users.

At the end of the record, Belogai noted that he would be happy to tell about the other features of the role of the stepfather, if the fans would support him. Fans under the record have published dozens of comments in which they asked to continue the story.

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