"Invents diseases": Mother Arshavin told about unsuccessful plastic Kazmin


On the eve of Alice, Kazhmin made a frank interview in the program of Andrei Malakhov directly from the hospital chamber after she had an urgent surgery due to nose necrosis. She even showed a worried face, which almost completely absent nose, and accused of all his misfortunes of the former husband Andrei Arshavin and his mother.

The model did not restrain in the expressions, calling the ex-spouse with an unhwerly and psychopath, and assured that the mother-in-law "put three years of life to completely destroy it," and maybe even damaged it.

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However, Tatyana Ivanovna in an interview with Starhit's edition noted that they at one time gave Alice and her children a lot of warmth, love and care, but then they realized that it was a "fake man", and stopped communicating with her.

According to the mother of the football player, Kazhmin herself "worked terrible miracles three years ago," without sparing her feelings as grandmothers to his beloved granddaughter. She accuses the former daughter-in-law that she doesn't think about anyone at all, including his children, does everything that she wants, and nothing is going to answer.

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Now, as Tatyana Ivanovna believes, Alice rightly received from providence on the nose "for all its frills." But at the same time it favorably seemed deadly sick, since the court ordered Kazmin to leave the mansion of Arshavin in the village of Kolomyagi.

"All this is suitable because it does not want to evaporate from the house. It goes on any tricks, inventing all sorts of diseases. She had unsuccessful plastic of the nose, which led to such an outcome. A person is always to blame himself in his troubles. As for the court, we won it, because it is right, "Tatiana Ivanovna notes.

She emphasizes that her son sends such an alimony to the ex-wife that Alice could remove or buy any apartment. But, according to Mother athlete, his ex-spouse prefers to prefer the poor and continues to put pressure on the pity of those whom it is much richer.

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