"The enemy of all pensioners": Baranovskiy condemned for "flattery" to the Malysheva


35-year-old Julia Baranovskaya shared with his subscribers in Instagram with a fresh picture. On it the TV presenter is captured with Elena Malysheva. She delighted with a colleague and wrote her nice words. "You have so much wisdom, so much desire to help and give everyone and always, so much love and care to everyone around. This is a great happiness - to know your phone number and be able to call you, you will always answer, "I signed a photo of Julia. As it turned out, Elena Vasilyevna has recently been a birthday - she turned 60 years old, and Baranovskaya decided to congratulate his colleague.

The presenter added, which very respects the celocker and glad that Malyshev always finds the time to help people. Fans of such a union did not appreciate and decided to speak from Baranovskaya under publication. "The transfer of the Malysheva - the enemy of all pensioners", "funny, and I believed in you," "Julia, friendship with this special is undermining your reputation," the subscribers commented on the photo. Some even stated that they would stop watching the transfer from Julia "Male / Women's", in which the life of the townships is shown. Users claim that the Malyshev's show "Live Great", which has been coming out from 2010 on the First Channel, - deception and ordinary people it does not help at all.

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