"They say she contributed to the divorce": Baranovskaya is suspected of a novel with Gordon


Leading show "Male / Women's" Alexander Gordon and Julia Baranovskaya look so harmoniously in the frame that many fans of the transfer began to suspect that their relationship is far from just workers.

The very comment itself does not give any comments about this, but recently she posted video spending in social networks for Gordon. The roller shows an excerpt from the transfer, during which the Baranovskaya puts his hand to Knee Gordon.

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One of the guests of the Tok show confirmed that Baranovsky had an interest in Gordon, especially after his last relationship collapsed.

"After the divorce of Gordon with the last wife, it is very striking. Many shimmer that Julia did not just ride him into a country house when he was still married. They say it was she who contributed to the divorce, "said the source" Interlocutor ".

He added that, looking at their behavior on the set, it seems that they are not just friends.

Recently, 57-year-old Gordon broke up with his fourth wife Nosanin Abdulvasiyeva, which is 30 years old. The TV host argued that this marriage would be the last for him: he was ready to coach with a woman who gave him two sons. However, the family boat was not so strong.

Julia Baranovskaya after a divorce with the football player Andrei Arshavin, from which she gave birth to three children, was not seen in public novels. Perhaps this makes her fans think that it is not indifferent to the co-advice.

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