New novel? Julia Baranovskaya captured a kiss with a man


Famous TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya has already for the eight years has the status of enviable bride. It was as much time after the painful parting of the star and her civil husband - the football player Andrei Arshavin.

Recently, a 35-year-old leading program "Male / Women" intrigued fans by a passionate kiss with a man. Baranovskaya visited the party of Irina Dubzova, who celebrated his birthday on the eve. Julia has fun on a dance floor with a birthday boy and a man who later recognized the director of the popular music television channel for working with Artists Nikolai Popov. According to rumors, the celebrity has spent almost the entire evening in the company Popova: they chatted cute at the table, and then moved to the center of the dance hall.

During the execution of the song Dubzova "you do not kiss", Baranovskaya unexpectedly for many turned to his companion and several times kissed him on the cheek several times, and then in the lips. Such an act of the TV presenter immediately regarded as a hint of a novel, but Baranovskaya did not comment on behavior.

Some time ago, Baranovskaya confessed to one of the interviews, which is again open for a romantic relationship. We note, after parting with Arshavin, Julia did not advertise any novels. The star completely plunged into the upbringing of his three children and work.

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