Guzeyev criticize for indecent gestures: "Amorality as the second I"


Larisa Guseyev published on his page in the social network archive shot, on which she was captured along with Alexandra Yakovleva. At the picture, the actress is still very young, and as Guzeyev told, at that time they posed along with a colleague "on St. Petersburg cuisine." And then, apparently, it was very carefree, and the mood of girls, apparently, beautiful. Yakovleva showed a gesture in the frame that they all have "O'key", and for some reason Guzeyev demonstrated the middle finger.

By the way, she told his fans in the signature to the snapshot that the messages in the Direct removes, without reading, so I advised them not to spend time on trying to communicate with her.

And network users their indignation about her obscene gesture began to express in the comments that were sent to the stars account.

"Could thanks, more preferred, show gesture," "did not expect! Very unpleasant photo! "," Would surprise us with good manners at least once, and such gestures and mats in its performance are not surprising. These are the current cultural figures, "immorality as the second I am," the followers of the lead "Let's get married!".

And if the actress does not read the actress in the Direct, then the comments under the post, apparently, still looks at. The indignation of his fans did not leave the actress, but answered them very peacefully.

"And I thought I was transferred to the Hangei page," Larisa Guzeyev noticed ironically.

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