"You have ears on the hips": on the network did not appreciate the "senile" training of Boni


The 41-year-old Victoria Bonya recently shared in his Instagram video on which she along with his coach performs a set of exercises. "Working with your own weight! Keep in bookmarks and do, "the TV presenter wrote. On the video star talks with a trainer about useful exercises to reduce weight and correction of the figure.

It is worth saying that all users appreciated such training. Some noticed that these exercises are quite showful from Boni, as subscribers suspect it in numerous plastic operations. "Well, when implants are standing! I see!" - wrote one of the customers. They were also those who simply did not like the figure of the TV presenter. "You have ears on the hips", "something with the technique you are very bad!" - criticized the star Follovier.

At the same time, Victoria itself spoke negatively about celebrities, which abuse beauty injections. According to the TV host, to look young, it is not necessary to resort to plastic operations and injections. Subscribers ridiculated Boni, because they considered such statements with rather hypocritical on the part of the businesswoman, which constantly spends time in beauty salons and rejuvenates the skin with various drugs.

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