Kim Catherol said that "sex in the big city" is guilty of children


Fans of "Sex in the Big City" do not understand why Kim can not agree with the creators of the film to give the third part of the full-length history about four girlfriends. But Catherol does not strongly want to play Samantha again. "I closed this story, and you will no longer see Samantha in my performance," says Catherol. "For me, this story is finished without regrets, but I would like Sarah to be softer with me."

Kim also added that due to a dense shooting schedule, which lasted at some days, and could not start children. "Then I was 40, and I had a chance to have a child with the help of Eco, but the working schedule did not allow. We shot at 19 o'clock, as I needed to combine work and the child at that age, I did not understand. " Such a statement sounds somewhat strange, because Sarah Jessica Parker prevented just during the filming of the fifth season, because of what he had to cut it. "But fate ordered so that I became a mentor and" mom "for young actresses, because I was 10 years older than their older," says Cachroll.

About relationships with colleagues in the shooting Kim says simply: "We have never been a friend, we were just colleagues, and after filming stopped communicating. But this is for the better, we only tied us a series, and now I will not come to my head to be phoned and ask how another business. "

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