"The power of human envy": Anfisa Chekhov put "energy protection" in the photo with his son


It's no secret that the stars Instagram risks hard, laying out personal photos for everyone, especially if you sincerely believe in magic, damage and evil eye. Here and the popular TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov confessed to subscribers, which noticed the negative effect, after he posted the pictures of his son Solomon. According to the leading, as soon as she placed posts with a photo in his blog, the boy unexpectedly sick. That is why the actress prefers not to demonstrate images of his favorite offspring in social networks too often, although it does not consider himself superstitious.

However, this did not prevent it from posting her fresh shot with her son. But this is a good reason. The presenter revealed the secret: she was taught by the method of protecting relatives and close to the negative. In the photo of a smiling anfisa poses together with his son, gently hugging it, on the background of decorated with wooden wedges. "These photos put energy protection. I recently taught me. I hope it will work! " - With octo, I signed the frame Chekhov.

Expressive subscribers picked up the assumption of the TV host. "This is accurate, even if close to remember," "everything will deteriorate, it is necessary to inform me out loud about how well", "both for yourself and in children, and animals. Correctly do! "," I agree with you! Photo of children is better rarely shown! "," I have with my husband's photos. I will lay out idyll - and swear "," Take care of a son, anfisa, I agree with you, I also notice this in the kids, "the fans shared their experiences.

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