"Such a thinness has become": Anfisa Chekhov fascinated fans with pictures with rest


The 42-year-old TV presenter of Anfisa Chekhov in late October decided to pamper himself with a foreign resort, going to Turkey. The star did not deny himself in oriental sweets and baking, but this, apparently, did not affect her figure. Walking on the embankment, she made picturesque frames against the background of the bay, which posted in the personal Instagram account.

"Do not close, do not hide, do not listen to your thoughts, which in all doubt," Shared Teediva poetry in the signature.

Anfisa chose a brown-colored sweatshirt for a promenade, bright jeans and sneakers with an orange sole. She dismissed her hair, and his eyes slightly emphasized the shadows.

During the walk, it was not without balca, which Chekhov became stuck in one of the restaurants. Despite the addiction to baking, the TV host can be maintained to maintain an attractive form, which fans more often pay attention.

"Looks gorgeous," the adorables enthusiastically, looking at the shooting series. "Such a thinness has become," the others were noticed. "Eat well! You need to recover! " - hinted fans on the fact that the anfisa looked great and with a lush figure.

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