"The old one has become": Victoria Bonya surprised subscribers video with dancing


Victoria Bonya has always experienced about his appearance. The models seemed to be too thin, so she tried his best to recover. Teediva recognized that he eats everything, but it was not corrected. But, apparently, she found a way to bring his shape to ideal parameters. Now the bonium boasts the lush hips and breasts.

The other day the TV presenter published a rather strange video in his microblog, which showed unexpected dancing in black bodies. The star dismissed the hair, made a bright makeup, highlighting the eyes with black arrows, and jumped over the camera. "I really didn't think that my video would inspire Jubu on the feats," Bona joked, reminding everyone about the scandal associated with a football player and his intimate video.

However, not all Victoria fans rated the joke. Some did not even understand why she did a similar video, and considered him indecent. "Vika, well, it's too intimate, I think. You are adorable, why do you lay out this? "," This video doesn't exactly decorate you, at least "," do not seduce, Vick, it was not your kindness "," What are you for jumping? "," How tired of this debauchery everywhere and everywhere "," What, nothing more to advertise? Can brains? "," It turned out very ugly! It would be better not laid out, "Follovier wrote.

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