To the joy of Heyteram: 7-year-old daughter Victoria Boni called the mother "terrible" without makeup


The Russian model and businesswoman shared a video with subscribers in which the girl calls her scary. According to the babes, her mother without makeup looks just awful.

Unscrying, only make-up, unrealistic face!

- she spoiled. Then Angelina entered the rage and revealed the real secret of the beauty of celebrities - she smelled acne, paints eyelashes and whiten his teeth.

To the joy of Heyteram: 7-year-old daughter Victoria Boni called the mother

All this time, Bonya laughed behind the scenes and did not work on the provocations of the daughter, the fact is that Angelina thus decided to take revenge on her mother, who forbid her to listen to her beloved music.

It is said that the tired of the baby is the truth, but not in this case: the star "House 2" often shows the face without cosmetics when gives video tutorials to apply makeup. So you can say with confidence, the appearance of the Boni, even without a makeup, you can only envy.

However, HheyTERs were only on hand, they were only on hand, they had long accused the star in injection abuse and other aggressive cosmetic procedures. True, the model itself said not so long ago, he prefers exclusively non-operative methods of rejuvenation, for example, face massage.

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