One Direction in the GQ Log in United Kingdom. September 2013


Harry about rumors about his bisexuality : "Bisexual? I? I do not think. Quite sure that this is not about me. Some rumors are very funny. And some are just funny. Some annoy. But I do not want to be one of those who constantly complain about this. I never liked when celebrities write in their twitter: "This is not true!" Let everything remain as it is. I know that it is not. The only thing that really annoys is if you are, being in a relationship, show to someone's attention, a lot of gossip appears in the newspapers, which may affect the relationship. "

Niall about the upcoming album : "We have no specific date of release of a new album, but we will have more time to write. It will be a bit harder, more in the style of rock and even steeper than the previous one. "

Liam about tight chart : "Now I reached the point that I go only where I tell me. That is life. People say: "Or there." And I must do it. "

Louis about girls : "I don't think it's hard to keep loyal to my girlfriend. In any case, girls who are immediately ready to jump to you in bed, these are not at all the girls I would like to bring home. "

Zayn on how they would like to be remembered in musical history : "I want us to put a monument in Bradford. In our honor, the monument is erected. No, I want to change pop culture. "

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