Ed Shiran can spread with concert tours after his daughter's birthday


In August, the musician and actor ED Shiran became the Father. On September 1, he told his Instagram that he had his wife, Cherry Siborn, was born daughter.

"Last week, Cherry gave birth to our beautiful and healthy daughter - Liru Antarctica Siborn Shiran. We are just crazy about her. And mom, and the child feels great, and we are just in the seventh heaven from happiness. I hope you can respect our privacy into this special time, "wrote Shiran in microblogging.

The fans of the singer remembered that in 2017, in an interview with Good Morning Britain, Ed stated, he would not want to drive with tour, when he becomes her husband and his father - who he is now.

"I would not want to give concerts when I have children. I would like to really be a father, "Ed said three years ago and added that it would be good if he wrote songs every day and was interrupted to pick up children from school."

"This is my idea of ​​happiness - to live outside the city, have a lot of children, and that the wife is always there is," Sharger shared.

It is not known whether ED has changed his mind since then about its touring plans, but most likely, in the near future he will really be immersed in family life.

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