Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria: "I have not approved this"


Despite the fact that the group broke up a few years ago, the "Euphoria" scenarios decided to please the fans of the fictional pair of Harry Stiles and Louis Tomlonson. According to the story of the Larry Stayinson series, Kat Herntez (Barbie Ferreira) composes erotic fanfic about musicians, who in the course of her monologue comes to animation short films. The audience immediately wondered: how did the singers themselves respond to a frank scene with their participation?

Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria:

Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria:

Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria:

Stiles did not comment on the episode, but Tomlinson spoke. He replied to the fan on Twitter, who wrote: "I'll just sit and hope that they gave permission, because they decided to finally open. Harry seems pretty friendly with people who did it, but Louis will not like it. " And the fan was right. "I unambiguously can say that I did not contact me, and I did not approve it," the musician said.

Representatives of the HBO channel have not yet responded to the situation, and it is possible that singers will not raise noise and prefict to keep silence.

Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria:

Louis Tomlinson about a bed scene with Harry Stiles in Euphoria:

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