Sam Smith admitted that Michael Jackson's songs did not like - and immediately got a squall of criticism in his address


For the injury in Sam Smith, Adam Lamberta can "thank" Adam Lambert - a colleague musician who published in social networks at first glance is quite innocent video from the rest. In a short video clip, however, Sam says: "I don't like Michael Jackson, but it is a good song."

After that, it turned out quickly that in 2018 everything (and Sam Smith in particular) are obliged to loving the work of Michael Jackson, and on the singer, daring to deviate from the norm, criticized. Many began to call Sam hypocritical - they say, he writes songs in the genre of Soul, who once popularized the dark-skinned singers, and at the same time dares to say that he does not like the work of Jackson!

TJ Jackson, the nephew of Michael Jackson, who called Sam Smith's "disrespectful and arrogant", made his contribution to the inflating scandal. "Do not treat the disregard for the pioneer of the Soul-genre, which paved the path to you and your music," asked TJ to Sam in his Twitter.

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