Zayn Malik's sister complained about threats to his five-month daughter


Last fall, Zayn Malik's sister, 17-year-old Safa married and four months after the wedding gave birth to a girl who called Zanea.

Recently, Safa complained about attacks of Internet trolls, which began to write terrible things about her child and threaten the baby with a violence. Safa shared the screenshot of cruel words that were sent to her friend in Instagram.

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The malicious commentator called the baby in the "Rudy" and said that Safa had married only because of pregnancy. For some comments Troll's girlfriend replied:

I'm not Safa, but who are you, damn, so to talk about her or about it again and how to live them? Freak.

What troll answered:

When her baby dies, you will listen, Lol. I hope he will die, he is so terrible.

After these terrible comments, Safa laid the publication in Stories:

Try your words to taste before erupting them.

And her girlfriend turned to trolls and said that Safaa "gets too much hatred for no reason." She urged to think about how it affects the young girl.

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Safa and her beloved Martin conducted a wedding ceremony on the Islamic tradition of Nicky. After the holiday, Safa was actively shared by the joy of the child's expectation, and now the young mother often posts photos with her husband and baby.

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