Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dikaprio saved the life of a sick cancer girl


29-year-old Jamma Nattall at one time abandoned the treatment of an aggressive form of ovarian cancer, since the reception of special drugs would provoke the abortion. The girl endured and gave birth to her daughter, Penelope, but after that the doctors told her that with the development of cancer, nothing could be done.

Jamma, however, decided not to surrender and fight for his life for the sake of a newborn daughter - and founded a campaign to collect funds in the amount of 300 thousand pounds necessary for experimental treatment in the German clinic.

Having learned about the history of Gemma, Kate Winslet took the most active part in the assembly of funds, and then attracted to this and Leo Dicaprio, with whom he is friendly since the Titanic. During the annual charitable admission, which DiCaprio suits for his foundation, the stars sold the opportunity to dine with them from the auction - and passed a part of the money to the Leo Foundation, and the second to the treatment of Gemma.

"My mother died of ovarian cancer," said Kate in an ITV This Morning interview. "She fought for this disease four years, the forecast was very bad ... We decided to look for help in other places, began to learn about the clinics in Germany - and at the same time I came across the petition on the Change.org website, and then - on her author, Jammu, On the GO Fund Me website. I saw how much money she needed - and at that moment she managed to collect only 9,000 pounds, - and decided that he could not allow her to remain without treatment. "

As a result, it all ended well: Kate and Leo Money Gemma spent on experimental treatment, which, fortunately, justified himself - and the life of the girl was saved.

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