The worst tattoo stars


one. Miley Cyrus Recently, the star of all possible charts. Did not pass her parties to get into the list of worst tattoos. Singer Podkolol is a colored sad crying kitten on the inside of the lower lip. Sad, after a few days, the drawing lost its bright colors. Inscription ROLLING STONE At the stars feet, too, can hardly consider a good idea. Thus, Miley celebrated their first appearance on the cover of the same magazine. Well, probably, the carpet of the singer is very proud of her, because only he is visible to this memorable inscription

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2. Whether it is a thin irony, then driving the hand of the master, but on his back Hayden Pantier Vivere Senza Rimipianti appeared. Obviously, the actress wanted to push the phrase "life without regrets" in Italian, but the master made a mistake in the last word and added an excess letter. Now Hayden is clearly regrets about choosing a tattoo salon. In September, the actress still decided to reduce the unsuccessful tattoo and live on without Rimipianti on his back.

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3. Singer KE $ HA. In June 2012, SUCK IT was boasting the inscription on his lip. The value of the tattoo is to turn redden a decenior lady, which, however, the star is clearly not. Another unsuccessful choice of singer was the inscriptions "Fun" and Yeah on the legs. In search of the deep meaning of this native calligraphy, it is definitely not necessary to wander.

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4. Someone must explain Harry Styles. that the love of butterflies flute in the stomach, and not on it. The insect, sat down on the press singer, may be not the most controversial from a large number of his tattoos, but certainly the most noticeable.

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5. Even before the album output artpop Lady Gaga. He drew his name on her hand, being quite confident that the record would become a masterpiece. Unfortunately, Melomanan singer to conquer his novelty and failed, and the album did not become a hit of sales. So now on the body of the star bangs a reminder of her failure. Maybe it can be borrowed by the idea of ​​Hayden Pantier and make a tattoo "life without regrets" to not be sad about failure?

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6. Justin Bieber Gradually turns into a walking unsuccessful tattoo. The drawings on his body so much that I will envy any hip-hop performer. It is difficult from the manifold to choose one particularly failed tattoo, so everyone can choose a favorite and unloved picture to his taste.

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7. Hollywood beauty often suggests on a red carpet in elegant luxurious outfits. Selection of accessories, hairstyles and makeups lie on the shoulders of professional stylists responsible for the success of their wards. But all the efforts of the masters can be reduced to no tattoo Scarlett Johansson . Funny color sunset drawing is very difficult to enter into the image of glamorous diva. Scarlett herself says that one look at this tattoo makes her happy. For the sake of a happy smile, the actress should be patient and a thousand tattoos.

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8. "I love when tattoos look bad," says Ryan Gosling And reinforces his words actions. This tattoo actor fired himself. By his plan, the drawing was to depict the hand of the monster, the swollen heart. But the actor himself recognizes what happened more like a cactus.

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9. Very original body Nicole Richie Selected for the drawing in the form of a cross. Even the notorious butterfly on the lower back looks more appropriate than the image of a religious symbol. But Nicole did not stop at this. On her wrist, the inscription Virgin is banging, which means "Virgin". Nicole has two children. Sleeve comments.

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10. British gentleman's shoulder Ed Wens He decorate a semi-fitted maiden girl in the style of Pin-up. Among people there is an opinion that such tattoos loudly declare the masses of their owner. Well, maybe so. But for the makeup workers working with the actor, such a tattoo declares only that it is time to stock cosmetics that can disguise all this beauty.

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