Lindsay Lohan on Chelsea Handler


Lindsey spent three months in the rehabilitation center and visiting Chelsea Hendler finally reached news from the world of show business. "Harry Stiles on the cover of the British GQ," studies the secular chronicle of the actress. "In an interview, he was asked about rumors about his bisexual experience with DJ by name Nick ... Well, I also passed through it. Harry replied that they were just friends. When they asked how many girls visited his bed, he replied: "Less than 50. You drive me into the angle. I had sex only with two girls. "Well, he definitely did not take into account oral sex ... Sorry, Harry!"

The actress was in an excellent mood and was joking without ceasing. The next topic of discussion on the show was Kristen Stewart, who again called the paparazzi with unflattering words. "I'm just delighted that Kristen Stewart finally showed at least some emotions! - Lindsay joked. - No, in fact I love her. She is gorgeous. I'm a fan of Kristen Stewart. That's what I say: Of course, she does not like paparazzi ! They caught her kissing with a married man in MINI Cooper! "

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