Kate Winslet told about a fire in the house of Richard Branson


Recently, the actress told about that night: "It was really very scary. We woke up at 4.30 am from the shouts that there is a fire, "says Kate to Graham Norton Show. "I jumped up and immediately ran toward the fire, but then I realized that we could die, so I turned back, I told my children too to enter and close the door, and then thought:" What should I do now? ". I ran to the bedroom and tried to wear a bra. At similar moments you make completely strange things. And so I started to wear a bra and thought: "No, it takes too much time," so I leaned him aside, put on a T-shirt, grabbed the children and captured Granny. I did not save her life. I just jerked her down the steps, to be honest. Just we were all upstairs, and down the ladder with very slippery from the rain the stone steps. It was so dramatic, shelted rain, and you really feel like a movie. In truth, I just carried Eve Benson down the stairs. I must say that she treated it very courageously, a strong lady, and she could easily descend herself. I just helped her a little bit. "

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