Kate Winslet vs Fua-Gra


PETA activists arrived at the farm where they grow geese, and removed a whole film with scenes of violent bird feeding with a huge amount of corn grains to increase their liver, which can grow up to size, 10 times larger than normal.

The fatty goose liver is Fu-Gra - for a long time and is quite deservedly considered one of the main culinary delights and is the most important article of France's food exports.

"I urge to refuse eating this expensive delicacy. Think not only about how it is delicious, but also about how the birds suffer before getting to you on the table!", Said Oskarone actress.

It is worth noting that this is not the first speech of celebrities against Fu-Gra. Thus, the Hilton hotel chain has announced a moratorium on Delicates, Singer Leon Lewis refused to attend Brit Awards in London, if the organizers will not remove this dish from the menu, the actor Roger Moore starred in advertising against Goose Passtea, and a year earlier Senator California Arnold Schwarzenegger set Fua-gras out of law on the territory of his state.

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