Kate Winslet returns to England


According to Daily Mail, Kate is now in complete prostration due to a divorce. "Kate has a very depressed mood and she absolutely does not know what to do." Apparently Kate wants to be closer to his parents and a close girlfriend Actress Emma Thompson, who live on the other side of the ocean. "Kate needs support, but it breaks, because of the children, she does not want to tear them from the place where they have already built on, where they have friends.

One of the reasons for which she decided to divorce is that Sam Mendes told her that he did not think that she was the woman with which he would like to spend the rest of his life.

"Sam moved away from her. They had a serious conversation, and he told her that "people cannot be inspired only by one relationship. In my life will never be the only relationship ... Life consists of many relationships. " Kate told him: "And for me there must be some relationship, this is what I want." Sam replied her: "But this is not what I want." They both understood that their marriage was not the future. Kate did not want to launch the Union, and tried to endure for several months, but in the end surrendered. "

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