Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine


The 29-year-old star of "Ancients" admitted that it was concerned about the effect provided by social networks (and Instagram first) to the perception of reality:

"The social networks give us a certain curved idea of ​​reality," talks Phoebe Tonkin. "I have a girlfriend, whom I can call with a clear conscience with the most beautiful girls on the planet, but even they, entering Instagram, feel ugly failed losers with a failed life."

Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine 35167_1

Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine 35167_2

"I want to contact the girls who familiar to this feeling: Understand, Instagram does it with everyone, at all levels," the actress emphasized.

Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine 35167_3

Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine 35167_4

Phoebe Tonkin complained about Instagram in a crazy photo shoot for Veni Magazine 35167_5

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